Episode 82 - Part 6 of "The Arsene Lupin" Series by Maurice Leblanc

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Episode 82: (02/22/2021)

  • "The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsene Lupin: Gentleman-Burglar" by Maurice Leblanc continues!

  • If you would like to download a free copy of the book through Project Gutenberg to follow along, click HERE

  • This episode is part 6 of 9. 

  • “Chapter 6: The Seven of Hearts" starts at 00:32

  • Thanks for listening! 

Episode 81 - Part 5 of "The Arsene Lupin" Series by Maurice Leblanc

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Episode 81: (02/15/2021)

  • "The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsene Lupin: Gentleman-Burglar" by Maurice Leblanc continues!

  • If you would like to download a free copy of the book through Project Gutenberg to follow along, click HERE

  • This episode is part 5 of 9. 

  • “Chapter 5: The Queen’s Necklace" starts at 00:59

  • Thanks for listening! 

Episode 80 - Part 4 of "The Arsene Lupin" Series by Maurice Leblanc

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Episode 80: (02/08/2021)

  • "The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsene Lupin: Gentleman-Burglar" by Maurice Leblanc continues!

  • If you would like to download a free copy of the book through Project Gutenberg to follow along, click HERE

  • This episode is part 4 of 9. 

  • "Chapter 4: The Mysterious Traveller" starts at 00:25

  • Thanks for listening! 

Episode 73 - "Quinny" by Anna Lynch


Episode 73: (12/02/2020)

  • “Quinny” - written by Anna Lynch. (Story starts at 4:21)

  • Anna would like to plug the Maritime Greyhound Adoption Program & Sighthound Placement

    • More on MGAP by clicking HERE

    • For those in other parts of the world - other greyhound adoption programs can be found HERE

  • Books Recommended in this Episode:

    • “Spirits: A Collection of 15 Short Stories” written by Dennis Hughes

      • You can find Dennis’ book HERE

    • “The Rainbow of Truth” written by Roger Conlon

      • You can find Roger’s book HERE

  • As always, thank you for listening everyone, and have a good night!

Anna Lynch

Anna Lynch



Episode 67 - 2020 Halloween Special "The Whisperer in Darkness" Part 1


Episode 67: (10/25/2020)

  • Welcome, Listeners to the 2020 BSSH Halloween Special - Part I!

  • This episode kicks off our 2020 Halloween feature presentation! We're sticking with Lovecraft this month, though this story is from later in Howard's career than the previous episode's tale.

  • This story took Lovecraft longer to write than many of his other works. He toiled over it from February 24th to September 26th, 1930. The ideas behind it go back to at least 1927 when Lovecraft first visited Vermont. He loved the beauty of the state and its untouched wilderness so much that he felt compelled to write an essay entitled "Vermont - A First Impression". Whole passages of this work are incorporated into today's story.

  • The setting of the country farmhouse is based on the abodes of two of his friends Vrest Orton and Arthur Goodenough. Lovecraft even included the discovery of Pluto into the story - something that was announced to the world one month after he began writing the story. It first appeared in Weird Tales Magazine in August 1931. 

  • A special thank you to Owen Swerkstrom (Hidden Oaks Podcast & Chunky Milk Productions) for his audio work on this episode!

  • For a free read-along copy of the story on Project Gutenberg, click HERE

  • Thank you for listening. Enjoy! 

Episode 57 - "The Scarlet Plague" Part 2 - by Jack London

  • Episode 57: (06/14/2020)

    • Part 2 of a 6-part series

      1. The Scarlet Plague” by Jack London

        • Originally published in 1912 this story bears an eerie resemblance to recent times.

        • It is written 60 years in our future in a post-apocalyptic world and discusses a plague that nearly wiped out human civilization in 2013.

        • To follow along with the text, click HERE

        • Go back to episode 56 to hear part 1 of this story

      2. Thanks for listening everyone. Stay tuned for part three coming soon!

      3. Stay home, listen to cool independent podcasts like this one, and Hidden Oaks and have a good night!


Episode 54 - "Hidden Oaks" Sneak Preview Part II

  • Episode 53: (04/15/2020)

    • Special sneak preview of the new upcoming podcast Hidden Oaks written by Patrick W. Marsh, Owen Swerkstrom and Robert Daun, with original music by David Schwartz, and read by…me!

    • For more information about Patrick W. Marsh, check him out HERE

    • For more information about David Schwartz, check him and his music out HERE

    • For more information on how to find Owen Swerkstrom in person - listen to the credits of the show, I tell you how there.

    • For more information about me, contact me at bobsshortstoryhour@gmail.com

    • Stay tuned next week for another sneak peak into Hidden Oaks with a sit-down discussion with the creative minds behind the project - coming out Wednesday, April 29th!


Episode 52

  • Episode 52: (03/09/2020)

    • “The White Wolf of the Hartz Mountains” by Captain Frederick Marryat

    • This story is an excerpt from the book “The Phantom Ship” by the same author, which can be purchased or downloaded as an ebook for free through the links below:

    • https://www.amazon.com/Phantom-Ship-Nonsuch-Classics/dp/1845882067

    • http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/12954


Episode 51

  • Episode 51: (02/27/2020)

    • The Silver Knife” by Ralph Allen Lang

    • Hope you enjoy this short one-off listeners! Have a good night! I’m looking for another good wolf-based tale for you listeners - and I believe I have found one as an excerpt from an old novel. I hope to bring it to you soon!

    • Stay tuned for some updates on a new project coming to you from myself and several other writers! I am excited to bring you the news of it between now and May 2020!!! Thanks for listening!

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Episode 50!

  • Episode 50: (2/18/2020)

    • In celebration of our 50th episode, this is part 3 of our “Fear of Rats” Series!

    • Featuring “The Graveyard Rats” by Henry Kuttner

    • Stay tuned for more episodes coming up soon, as well as announcements regarding some other projects we’ve been working on!

    • Thanks for listening and supporting us for 50 episodes everyone! Have a good night!

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Episode 48

  • Episode 48: (1/26/2020)

    • In celebration of our upcoming 50th episode, this is our “Fear of Rats” Series, part 1/3

    • Featuring “Three Skeleton Key” by Georges Gustave Toudouze

    • Stay tuned next month as our “Fear of Rats” Series continues!

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Episode 47

  • Episode 47: (1/26/2020)

    • First episode of the new year! Welcome to 2020!!!

    • “To Build a Fire” by Jack London

    • Dedicated to Collin Arnett - see you in advanced tracking later this year! Hope this gives you something to think about!

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Episode 42

Episode 42: (10/18/2019)

  • “The Family of the Vourdalak” by Aleksey Tolstoy

  • For the English translation of this story used for the podcast visit: https://americanliterature.com/author/alexei-tolstoy/short-story/the-family-of-the-vourdalak

  • For another vampire work by Aleksey Tolstoy visit: https://www.amazon.com/Vampires-supernatural-Aleksey-Konstantinovich-Tolstoy/dp/B0006BYSQA/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=Aleksey+tolstoy&qid=1571310017&sr=8-10


Episode 35 - Part 1 of the "Catching Up Series"

  • Episode 35 - Catching Up Series: Part 1: (5/1/2019)

    • The Triumphant Return of BSSH!!! It has been several months since we have been away! I’m sorry, I’ve been busy with grad school and other things, but I haven’t gone away for good.

    • We have four episodes coming out rapid-fire for you fine listeners to get caught up with some content - or rather, for me to get caught up with getting you content. I have found some great stories for you all though and I hope you enjoy them!

    • “For the Blood is the Life” by F. Marion Crawford

The tower overlooking the grave.

The tower overlooking the grave.

Episode 34 - Someone You Dream Of

  • Episode 34 - Someone You Dream Of: (12/3/2018)

    • Short interview with friend Claire Cylkowski discussing the details of her upcoming trip to assist the Karnes Probono Project in Karnes Texas. Additional information about this project and how you can help can be found in the links below:

      • To donate to help the project, click HERE

      • To learn more about the Karnes Probono Project, click HERE

      • To learn more of the history of the National Lawyers Guild, click HERE

      • To learn more about RAICES, a nonprofit agency providing free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families and refugees in Texas, click HERE

    • What I Got” by musical guest Braden Canfield from his album “Seven Songs of Dying (and Another)”

      • To learn more about Braden Canfield, visit his website by clicking HERE

      • To purchase the album “Seven Songs of Dying (and Another) by Braden Canfield, click HERE

      • To purchase Braden’s previous album, click HERE

    • The Wishing Tree” by Stephen Young

      • To Learn more about Stephen, visit his website HERE

      • You can also follow Stephen on Twitter: @stewriting

    • Someone You Dream Of” by Stephen Young & The Union

      • To learn more about Stephen Young & The Union, visit their website by clicking HERE

    • Thanks for listening everyone!!!

Author and Musical Guest Stephen Young

Author and Musical Guest Stephen Young

Episode 29

  • Episode 29: (5/19/2018)
    • "Metal Myths" by Iona Douglas
      • Iona Douglas can be followed on her twitter page by clicking HERE
      • Iona has other stories that have been featured on podcasts and that are available in audio format
      • To listen to her story "Make it, Raine" also narrated by Rob Stuart-Hudson, click HERE
    • Guest voice actor Rob Stuart-Hudson
      • Rob is an actor, voice actor, and improvisor from the United Kingdom.
      • Rob can be followed on twitter by clicking HERE
      • Find Rob's facebook page with links to his other works by clicking HERE

Episode 25

  • Episode 25 (International Podcast Day Special!): (10/3/2017)
    • "The Passenger" (Excerpt from the book The Sailing Master Book II: The Long Passage) by Lee Henschel Jr.
    • "Sutter's Well" by Jeff Chapman
      • You can find out more about Jeff by visiting his website at
      • Jeff kindly sent me a copy of his book - The Black Blade: A Huckster Novel which is next up on my reading list. If you would like to read that book as well, it can be purchased HERE
      • Jeff's other books can be purchased through his website or on
    • Finally - I forgot to give out a thank you to the listeners who reached out to me over my summer hiatus. I have said on the show before that I don't often hear from the listeners - I haven't heard good or bad comments, gotten feedback on what I'm doing or not doing on the show, etc. However, I have to say, when you all reached out saying "Hey, we miss you! Do another show" or "Bob! We are all caught up, where did you go? Can you come back?" I was very touched. It meant a lot to me and it was the encouragement I needed to get back in the studio. Thanks everyone.
    • Kim G. - your story submissions will most likely be this years Halloween Special so - Stay Tuned!!!