Episode 106 - Waverly Hills Sanatorium on Lunatics Radio Hour


Episode 106: (11/29/2021)

  • Episode 106 includes a replaying of Episode 90 of Lunatics Radio Hour in which Abby and Alan discuss the history of Waverly Hills Sanatorium as well as paranormal occurrences that have been experienced there.

  • To top it all off, Robin Sand of the Hidden Oaks podcast and I tell our story of visiting Waverly Hills Sanatorium ourselves. 

  • Check out Lunatics Radio Hour’s page HERE about the episode where you can see some of the pictures that Robin and I took while we were at Waverly Hills.

  • Thanks for listening everyone! 

Episode 46 - 4th Anniversary Episode

Episode 46: (12/26/2019)

  • It has been 4 years since the show started! I can’t thank you all enough for your continued support, for sharing what we do - getting classic and independent content out to new listeners, and for helping the project with your donations. Thank you all so much! It is such a joy to be able to continue to do this work.

  • "“The New Pass” by Amelia B. Edwards

  • “The Find” a Thomas Carnacki: The Ghost Finder story by William Hope Hodgson

Thomas Carnacki: The Ghost Finder

Thomas Carnacki: The Ghost Finder

Episode 37 - Part 3 of the "Catching Up Series"

  • Episode 37 - Catching Up Series: Part 3: (5/9/2019)

    • Featured story: “The Spider" by Hanns Heinz Ewers

    • For a cheap copy of the story “The Spider” click HERE

    • For the Frank Braun trilogy (book one is “The Sorceror’s Apprentice) also written by Hanns Heinz Ewers, click HERE

    • Enjoy everyone! Thanks for listening! Remember - I’m always open to listener suggestions! Pop on over to the submissions tab to find out how to get a hold of me! Thanks again ~ Bob

The spider hh_ewers.jpg

Episode 35 - Part 1 of the "Catching Up Series"

  • Episode 35 - Catching Up Series: Part 1: (5/1/2019)

    • The Triumphant Return of BSSH!!! It has been several months since we have been away! I’m sorry, I’ve been busy with grad school and other things, but I haven’t gone away for good.

    • We have four episodes coming out rapid-fire for you fine listeners to get caught up with some content - or rather, for me to get caught up with getting you content. I have found some great stories for you all though and I hope you enjoy them!

    • “For the Blood is the Life” by F. Marion Crawford

The tower overlooking the grave.

The tower overlooking the grave.