Episode 117 - "The Picture in the House" by H.P. Lovecraft


The real Plate XII of “Regnum Congo”

Episode 117: (01/17/2022)

  • Episode 117 features a retelling of “The Picture in the House” by H.P. Lovecraft.

  • Bob explores some of the light that is shed on the reclusiveness and racism of the author through this story and how this is more blatantly portrayed in this story as opposed to becoming more hidden in some of his later work.

  • This story was prompted by an accompanying series on the Lunatics Radio Hour that starts with Episode 95

  • Thanks for listening everyone. Enjoy!

Episode 104 - Halloween Feature Presentation "The Seven Geases" by Clark Ashton Smith


Episode 104: (10/24/2021)

  • Episode 104 includes our Halloween Special Feature Presentation! This year, with permission given by CASiana Enterprises, the literary estate of Clark Ashton Smith, we bring you "The Seven Geases".

  • Special Guests:

  • Thank you again to CASiana Enterprises for the generous allowance of producing this story.

  • "The Seven Geases" starts at 09:55

  • Businesses/charities mentioned on this episode:

  • Thanks for listening everyone! Happy Halloween!

Episode 102 - "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe


Episode 102: (10/10/2021)

  • Episode 102 includes an incredible reading of "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Robin Sand of the Hidden Oaks Podcast. This episode is part of a collaboration with the Lunatics Radio Hour Podcast for their History of E. A. Poe and Poe stories episodes. Go over to LRH to learn more about Poe and hear more stories! 

  • "The Tell-Tale Heart" begins at 01:43

  • Thanks for listening and supporting us for over 100 episodes! 

Episode 101 - Chatting with Lunatics in New York City

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Episode 101: (10/03/2021)

  • Episode 101 includes my friend Collin Arnett and I visiting with Abby and Alan from the Lunatics Radio Hour Podcast on a recent trip out east. We chat about all manner of things, including some real-life paranormal experiences! 

    • Terror Australis Podcast: an Australian-based true-crime and conspiracy podcast hosted by Theresa Mae and Rachael Melva. Filled with lots of sarcasm. Each week we'll dive into a true-crime conversation, whether it's from Australia or anywhere across the world, every week a different and TERROR-inducing surprise. Grab a drink, some snacks, and join us for the best terror-filled joyride of your life!

  • Featured ad for another That's Not Canon podcast "Terror Australis" - find them HERE

  • Thanks for listening and for supporting us for over 100 episodes everyone! Enjoy! 

Episode 96 - "Death of the Kraken" by David H. Keller


Episode 96: (07/04/2021)

  • Episode 96 features a recitation of the story "Death of the Kraken" by David H. Keller that I recorded to be featured on an upcoming Lunatics Library episode. As a complement to this episode of BSSH, tune over to Episode 77 of Lunatics Radio Hour to hear some history behind the Kraken and other sea monsters in folklore and maritime superstition. 

  • "Death of the Kraken" starts at 00:02:02

  • Lunatics Radio Hour: https://www.lunaticsproject.com/

  • BSSH and Lunatics Radio Hour are part of the Pizza Rice Podcasting Collaborative: http://pizzaricepodcast.com/

  • Happy Independence Day to all those listeners in the USA. Happy 6th Birthday to my daughter Josey, and my tax man Tom!

Episode 91 - Chatting with Lunatics (Pizza Rice Podcasting Collaborative Part 1)

Pizza Rice Podcasting Collaborative - Part 1

Pizza Rice Podcasting Collaborative - Part 1

Episode 90: (05/09/2021)

  • Episode 90 includes a chat with Abby Brenker and Alan Kudan from the Lunatics Film Project and Lunatics Radio Hour Podcast. We talk about all kinds of things from Star Trek, to Horror Fiction, to the "Bob-iverse" and much much more. Enjoy our ramblings, and thanks for listening!

  • Visit the Lunatics Project - HERE

  • Check out the BSSH website for links to more things we referenced in the episode! 

  • This is the first of multiple episodes introducing you to the collaborative network of podcasters newly titled the "Pizza Rice Podcasting Collaborative". Stay tuned for more! 

Episode 86 - "The Brenker Files": Three Stories by Abby Brenker

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Episode 86: (03/22/2021)

  • Episode 86 features three stories written by New York author Abby Brenker who is also the host of the Lunatics Radio Hour Podcast.

  • Check out the Lunatics Radio Hour and Lunatics Film Project HERE

  • Abby wanted to mention support for the Marsha P Johnson Institute on her episode. The Marsha P. Johnson Institute (MPJI) protects and defends the human rights of black transgender people. They do this by organizing, advocating, creating an intentional community to heal, developing transformative leadership, and promoting their collective power. Check out their website HERE

  • Stories Timing Index:

    • Something” - 02:50

    • The Man with an Axe” - 12:11

    • The Giant Eyeball” - 22:59

  • Thanks for listening everyone! Don’t forget to check out the Lunatics Radio Hour Podcast anywhere podcasts can be found.

Episode 71 - "A Tough Tussle" by Ambrose Bierce


Episode 71: (11/11/2020)

  • "A Tough Tussle" written by Ambrose Bierce.

  • Thank you to all veterans for your service to your country. 

  • Recommended Books this episode:

  • "A Tough Tussle" starts at 7:40

  • Thanks for listening! 

Episode 69 - 2020 Halloween Special "The Whisperer in Darkness" Part 3

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Episode 69: (10/29/2020)

  • Welcome, Listeners to the 2020 BSSH Halloween Special - Part III!

  • This is part 3 of a 3-part series. If you missed the beginning of the story, please go back and check out episode 67! 

  • When we left off in the last episode, Henry Akeley had grown more desperate and afraid of his situation, urging our narrator to give up his investigations. He persists in this belief until suddenly a letter arrives showing he has had a complete change of heart on the matter. In this letter he invites the narrator out to his house in the lonely Vermont wilderness to discuss the matter further. 

  • A special thank you to Owen Swerkstrom (Hidden Oaks Podcast & Chunky Milk Productions) for his audio work on this episode!

  • For a free read-along copy of the story on Project Gutenberg, click HERE

  • Thank you for listening! I hope you enjoy! 

Episode 68 - 2020 Halloween Special "The Whisperer in Darkness" Part 2


Episode 68: (10/27/2020)

  • Welcome, Listeners to the 2020 BSSH Halloween Special - Part II!

  • This is part 2 of a 3-part series. If you missed the beginning of the story, please go back and check out episode 67! 

  • When we left off in the last episode, our narrator had just begun corresponding with an intellectual recluse in the wild Vermont hills about strange sightings and evidence of otherworldly beings there. Creatures whose formerly benign aloofness, had now grown to more sinister-feeling. attention directed upon the men themselves. 

  • A special thank you to Owen Swerkstrom (Hidden Oaks Podcast & Chunky Milk Productions) for his audio work on this episode!

  • For a free read-along copy of the story on Project Gutenberg, click HERE

  • Thank you for listening! I hope you enjoy! 

Episode 67 - 2020 Halloween Special "The Whisperer in Darkness" Part 1


Episode 67: (10/25/2020)

  • Welcome, Listeners to the 2020 BSSH Halloween Special - Part I!

  • This episode kicks off our 2020 Halloween feature presentation! We're sticking with Lovecraft this month, though this story is from later in Howard's career than the previous episode's tale.

  • This story took Lovecraft longer to write than many of his other works. He toiled over it from February 24th to September 26th, 1930. The ideas behind it go back to at least 1927 when Lovecraft first visited Vermont. He loved the beauty of the state and its untouched wilderness so much that he felt compelled to write an essay entitled "Vermont - A First Impression". Whole passages of this work are incorporated into today's story.

  • The setting of the country farmhouse is based on the abodes of two of his friends Vrest Orton and Arthur Goodenough. Lovecraft even included the discovery of Pluto into the story - something that was announced to the world one month after he began writing the story. It first appeared in Weird Tales Magazine in August 1931. 

  • A special thank you to Owen Swerkstrom (Hidden Oaks Podcast & Chunky Milk Productions) for his audio work on this episode!

  • For a free read-along copy of the story on Project Gutenberg, click HERE

  • Thank you for listening. Enjoy! 

Episode 66 - "The Alchemist" by H.P. Lovecraft

The Alchemist.jpg

Episode 66: (10/16/2020)

  • “The Alchemist” by H.P. Lovecraft

  • Lovecraft wrote this story when he was 18-years-old a in 1908. It’s an interesting little tale, different from a lot of his other works. I hope you enjoy!

  • Stay tuned for Halloween Feature Presentations later this month!

  • Thanks for listening everyone!

Episode 64 - "The Scarlet Plague" Part 6 - By Jack London


Episode 64: (08/29/2020)

  • Part 6 of a 6-part series

    1. The Scarlet Plague” by Jack London

      • Originally published in 1912 this story bears an eerie resemblance to recent times.

      • It is written 60 years in our future in a post-apocalyptic world and discusses a plague that nearly wiped out human civilization in 2013.

      • To follow along with the text, click HERE

      • Go back to episode 56 to hear part 1 of this story

    2. Thanks for listening everyone. Stay tuned for more stories coming soon!

    3. Thanks again to all my friends out east for showing me around and spending time with me.

    4. Stay home, listen to cool independent podcasts like this one, and Hidden Oaks and have a good night!

Joel, Jessie and Bob in the Rothrock State Forest, PA.

Joel, Jessie and Bob in the Rothrock State Forest, PA.

Bob at Ken’s secret climbing spot. I won’t tell you where it is. ;)

Bob at Ken’s secret climbing spot. I won’t tell you where it is. ;)


Episode 58 - "The Scarlet Plague" Part 3 - by Jack London

  • Episode 58: (06/14/2020)

    • Part 3 of a 6-part series

      1. The Scarlet Plague” by Jack London

        • Originally published in 1912 this story bears an eerie resemblance to recent times.

        • It is written 60 years in our future in a post-apocalyptic world and discusses a plague that nearly wiped out human civilization in 2013.

        • To follow along with the text, click HERE

        • Go back to episode 56 to hear part 1 of this story

      2. Thanks for listening everyone. Stay tuned for part four coming soon!

      3. Stay home, listen to cool independent podcasts like this one, and Hidden Oaks and have a good night!

    • For more information about the “Together Behind Four Walls” project mentioned in the introduction:

      • Facebook Page: HERE

      • Kickstarter page: HERE

      • Marie Curie Nurses info: HERE

      • Francis H. Powell website: HERE

Episode 57 - "The Scarlet Plague" Part 2 - by Jack London

  • Episode 57: (06/14/2020)

    • Part 2 of a 6-part series

      1. The Scarlet Plague” by Jack London

        • Originally published in 1912 this story bears an eerie resemblance to recent times.

        • It is written 60 years in our future in a post-apocalyptic world and discusses a plague that nearly wiped out human civilization in 2013.

        • To follow along with the text, click HERE

        • Go back to episode 56 to hear part 1 of this story

      2. Thanks for listening everyone. Stay tuned for part three coming soon!

      3. Stay home, listen to cool independent podcasts like this one, and Hidden Oaks and have a good night!


Episode 56 - "The Scarlet Plague" Part 1 - by Jack London

Episode 56 features Part 1 of a retelling of the story "The Scarlet Plague" by Jack London. This is the first part in a six part series. The Scarlet Plague was originally published in 1912 and tells of a post-apocalyptic world whose population was nearly wiped out by a plague in the year 2013. The parallels between the story and modern day are fascinating to think about as you you listen, or read along. Thanks for listening everyone. Enjoy!

Read More

Episode 55 - "Hidden Oaks" Special Preview Part III

  • Episode 55: (04/29/2020)

    • “Hidden Oaks” podcast special preview part III

    • Round table discussion with the creative minds behind the project.

    • Hidden Oaks podcast is set to debut May 6th, 2020 (next Wednesday), check out the Hidden Oaks website HERE

    • For more about Patrick W. Marsh, click HERE

    • For more from Owen Swerkstrom, click HERE

    • For more about David Schwartz, click HERE and HERE.

    • Thanks for listening everyone, and don’t forget to follow up with Hidden Oaks next week on Wednesday, May 6th!


Episode 54 - "Hidden Oaks" Sneak Preview Part II

  • Episode 53: (04/15/2020)

    • Special sneak preview of the new upcoming podcast Hidden Oaks written by Patrick W. Marsh, Owen Swerkstrom and Robert Daun, with original music by David Schwartz, and read by…me!

    • For more information about Patrick W. Marsh, check him out HERE

    • For more information about David Schwartz, check him and his music out HERE

    • For more information on how to find Owen Swerkstrom in person - listen to the credits of the show, I tell you how there.

    • For more information about me, contact me at bobsshortstoryhour@gmail.com

    • Stay tuned next week for another sneak peak into Hidden Oaks with a sit-down discussion with the creative minds behind the project - coming out Wednesday, April 29th!


Episode 53 - Special Hidden Oaks Sneak Preview!

  • Episode 53: (04/15/2020)

    • Special sneak preview of the new upcoming podcast Hidden Oaks written by Patrick W. Marsh, Owen Swerkstrom and Robert Daun, with original music by David Schwartz, and read by…me!

    • For more information about Patrick W. Marsh, check him out HERE

    • For more information about David Schwartz, check him and his music out HERE

    • For more information on how to call Owen Swerkstrom directly - listen to the credits of the show, I tell you how there.

    • For more information about me, contact me at bobsshortstoryhour@gmail.com

    • Stay tuned next week for another sneak peak into Hidden Oaks coming out Wednesday, April 22nd!
