Episode 106 - Waverly Hills Sanatorium on Lunatics Radio Hour


Episode 106: (11/29/2021)

  • Episode 106 includes a replaying of Episode 90 of Lunatics Radio Hour in which Abby and Alan discuss the history of Waverly Hills Sanatorium as well as paranormal occurrences that have been experienced there.

  • To top it all off, Robin Sand of the Hidden Oaks podcast and I tell our story of visiting Waverly Hills Sanatorium ourselves. 

  • Check out Lunatics Radio Hour’s page HERE about the episode where you can see some of the pictures that Robin and I took while we were at Waverly Hills.

  • Thanks for listening everyone! 

Episode 105 - Halloween Bonus: "Sea Curse" by Robert E. Howard


Photo Credit: Josh Sorenson - @joshsorenson on Instagram

Episode 105: (10/31/2021)

  • Episode 105 includes a Halloween Bonus story! "Sea Curse" by Robert E. Howard. Today's story is dedicated to Jon Cook of the Fado podcast. Check out Fado HERE

  • Special thanks to Robin Sand for her fantastic portrayal of Moll Farrell. 

  • Episode art by John Sorenson - @Johnsorenson on Instagram

  • Happy Halloween everyone, have a great night, and thanks for listening.

Episode 104 - Halloween Feature Presentation "The Seven Geases" by Clark Ashton Smith


Episode 104: (10/24/2021)

  • Episode 104 includes our Halloween Special Feature Presentation! This year, with permission given by CASiana Enterprises, the literary estate of Clark Ashton Smith, we bring you "The Seven Geases".

  • Special Guests:

  • Thank you again to CASiana Enterprises for the generous allowance of producing this story.

  • "The Seven Geases" starts at 09:55

  • Businesses/charities mentioned on this episode:

  • Thanks for listening everyone! Happy Halloween!

Episode 102 - "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe


Episode 102: (10/10/2021)

  • Episode 102 includes an incredible reading of "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Robin Sand of the Hidden Oaks Podcast. This episode is part of a collaboration with the Lunatics Radio Hour Podcast for their History of E. A. Poe and Poe stories episodes. Go over to LRH to learn more about Poe and hear more stories! 

  • "The Tell-Tale Heart" begins at 01:43

  • Thanks for listening and supporting us for over 100 episodes! 

Episode 95 - "The Gateway of the Monster" by William Hope Hodgson


Episode 95: (06/06/2021)

Episode 40

  • Episode 40: (718/2019)

    • “August Heat” by W. F. Harvey

      • Dedicated to Jonathan Jaekle

    • “The Avenging Phonograph” by E. R. Punshon

      • Dedicated to Collin Arnett

    • “The Case of Lady Sannox” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

      • Dedicated to Robin Sand

    • I am not including any links to works by these authors today, partly because squarespace is being difficult, and partly because I believe you are all brilliant people who can find these works on your own just as I do. You hear the names and the stories, and you can search amazon or Barnes and Noble just as I do to find these great works. Look for some that fit your fancy and that fit in with your library. OR speaking of libraries, stop on down to your local library and borrow these books from them. They love your patronage, and while you’re there, you can find several of the other random services that libraries offer to the community that are all so great.

    • Thanks for listening everyone! Feel free to email/tweet/or facebook me at any time - let me know what you think, what you like/don’t like, and what you would like to hear more of. I appreciate all of you and would love to hear from more of you.

    • Have a good night!
