Episode 12

  • Episode 12: (7/26/2016)

    • "Polaris" by H. P. Lovecraft

      • You can find my favorite collection of H. P. Lovecraft stories by clicking HERE

      • Some of Lovecraft's other stories have been featured on the show - to hear these listen to episodes 1, 3, 5, and 7.

    • Part II of "The Peterson Laws" (#3-5) by Dr. David Peterson

      • To purchase a copy of "The Petereson Laws: The Rules of Life, Laughter and Emergency Medicine" click here: www.amazon.com

    • Interview with Dr. David Peterson himself.

    • Background Music for "The Peterson Laws": "Redemption Song" by Musical Guest Jocko MacNelly from Jocko's Yellow Album of Guitar Music

      • Jocko's website can be found HERE

      • His CD's can be purchased on the website or by clicking HERE

    • Songs "Morning Diamond" and "Fire in the Sky" by Musical Guest Kyle Fosburgh

      • Kyle's website can be found HERE

      • You can purchase any and all of Kyle's music on bandcamp.com by clicking HERE

Physician/Author Dr. David Peterson doing what he loves (Practicing Medicine)

Physician/Author Dr. David Peterson doing what he loves (Practicing Medicine)

Musical Guest Kyle Fosburgh

Musical Guest Kyle Fosburgh

Musical Guest Jocko MacNelly

Musical Guest Jocko MacNelly